Ombudsman and Citizen Service Channel

The DGT Ombudsman’s Office is a corporate integrity instrument that is part of our institution’s Compliance Program, without a deliberative, executive or judicial nature, and directly subordinate to the company’s General Managers, with the purpose of communicating with society in general, aiming to disseminate and democratize knowledge and corporate actions, strengthen citizenship rights and guarantee the rights to information and transparency. This is implemented in accordance with the legislation on whistleblowing related to corruption and other irregularities, as provided for in Law No. 12,846/2013.

I want to make a statement

Complaint, compliment or suggestion

Main Guarantees:

1. Secure Anonymity: We guarantee the right to anonymity, allowing whistleblowers to share crucial information without fear of exposure.

2. Protection against Retaliation: We undertake to protect whistleblowers from any form of retaliation, ensuring that their courage is respected and that effective measures are taken to prevent any reprisals or retaliation.

3. Safe Communication Channels: We provide secure reporting channels, including hotlines and trusted online systems, ensuring that information is transmitted in a secure way.

4. Legal Immunity and Access to Legal Resources: We provide legal immunity to whistleblowers and facilitate access to legal resources, guiding them with regard to
their legal rights and protections.

5. Rewards and Incentives: We recognize how important whistleblowing is and, in some cases, we offer rewards or incentives as a way of recognizing someone’s
contribution to organizational transparency.

6. Privacy Protection: We undertake to protect the privacy of whistleblowers by ensuring that personal information is not disclosed without their express consent.

7. Rigorous Investigation: We ensure that impartial and thorough investigations are carried out in response to any allegations, ensuring that the truth is brought to light in a fair and efficient way.

We understand that the effective implementation of these measures may vary depending on local laws; nevertheless, our global commitment is to create an
encouraging environment where whistleblowers play a crucial role in building transparent and accountable organizations. Join us in promoting a culture that values
integrity and the courage it takes to do the right thing.

I want to report an incident


You shall not be identified and cannot be informed about the incident you reported.


Your identity shall be protected by DGT, and you shall be informed about the incident
you reported.


You shall be identified and be informed about the incident you reported. Click here

Ombudsman and Citizen Service Channel


Welcome to the DGT Ombudsman Channel. You have chosen to make a COMPLAINT, COMPLIMENT OR SUGGESTION. The information provided here is confidential. Under no circumstances will you be identified, unless with your authorization.

Ombudsman and Citizen Service Channel


Anonymous incident report

Welcome to the DGT Ombudsman Channel. You have chosen to make an ANONYMOUS INCIDENT REPORT. You shall not be identified and cannot be informed about the incident
you reported.


Ombudsman and Citizen Service Channel


Confidential incident report

Welcome to the DGT Ombudsman Channel. You have chosen to make a CONFIDENTIAL INCIDENT REPORT. Your identity shall be protected by DGT, and you shall be informed about the incident you reported.


Ombudsman and Citizen Service Channel


Public incident report

Welcome to the DGT Ombudsman Channel. You have chosen to make a PUBLIC INCIDENT REPORT. You shall be identified and be informed about the incident you reported.


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